Ronaldo Afonso's Logo

Ronaldo Afonso - Linux, network and some programming

Hi there!

How are you?

I'm Ronaldo Afonso and this is my blog. My intention here is to write about my experience with computer programming, Linux, and network.

I've been in these fields for more than 25 years and now I decided to share what I've learned during all that time with whoever would be interested.

My first contact with Linux was when I installed a Slackware distro version 3.4. Well, I can't even remember exactly when it happened, but I guess it was around 1999.

At that time, there wasn't plenty of documentation as there is today. But one day a friend of mine just lent me a Linux Magazine (have you already heard about that magazine?) with a bundled Slackware CD-ROM. I couldn't wait to try it and so I decided to install it on my home computer.

Guess what? After three months of hard trying, I did it.

I've been using Linux since then and I'm very happy with that decision.

I hope you enjoy the things I'm going to share with you here.

See you around.


Ronaldo Afonso

Ronaldo Afonso